Civitas 30 Storey Building Chilled Water Systems

Client Department of Health
Project Description Civitas 30 Storey Building in Pretoria
Value R58 000 000.00
Time Period 2 Years
Year Completed 2009 

Based on Ductech’s proposal several secondary chilled water systems were introduced for the various zones with VSD pumps in lieu of bypass valves.  Several detailed and complex water pressure calculation were done based on various scenarios.  The water makeup system was also a challenge, which was successfully introduced by us.  Detailed construction drawings were generated based on sketches from the consulting engineer.  All pipe schematics and sizing was also done by us.  The chilled water system operates at 16 Bar and required special care on the equipment selection as well as installation.  This project illustrates our engineering and contracting capabilities.

Pretoria – Civitas

Civitas 30 Storey Building Chilled Water Systems

Description and Scope of Work:
Based on Ductech’s proposal several secondary chilled water systems were introduced for the various zones with VSD pumps in lieu of bypass valves. Several detailed and complex water pressure calculation were done based on various scenarios.  The water makeup system was also a challenge, which was successfully introduced by us.

Detailed construction drawings were generated based on sketches from the consulting engineer.  All pipe schematics and sizing was also done by us.  The chilled water system operates at 16 Bar and required special care on the equipment selection as well as installation.  This project illustrates our engineering and contracting capabilities.

Year Completed:
Completed in time